How far along? 19 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain/measurements: I'm not even going to pretend to know how much weight I've gained. I'm guessing it's probably around 10 lbs, but I will for sure know on Wednesday.
Maternity clothes: I am still wearing my Bella Band in order to fit into my regular pants. I did dig through our unpacked boxes in the basement and found some of my staple maternity clothes.
Stretch marks: None to report and hoping to keep it that way. I'm lathering my belly in Burt's Bee's Mama Bee.
Sleep: Last week was rough. As I said before, Lennon was sick and had a mild fever, so I slept on the couch with her for three nights. Needless to say, I didn't get much sleep and was totally dragging all week.
Exercise: Beachbody On Demand is still my go to workout. I went to one Yoga class, but then had to skip last week so that I didn't get everyone else sick. I will be going again this Wednesday. It is seriously heavenly.
Best moment this week: All of us FINALLY feeling better. I also had to buy a new straightener because my Chi just completely died, so that was pretty exciting.
Miss anything? I still really am missing being able to go in a hot tub.
Movement: The little kicks and flutters are the best.
Food cravings: I didn't really have any defining food cravings last because due to being sick. I guess I did just want some soup, but who doesn't when they are sick?
Anything making you queasy or sick? Bell. Peppers. Still.
Gender: Girl #2!
Labor signs: No and let's keep it that way!
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time: Despite all the sickness, I've been decently happy this last week.
Looking forward to: Our anatomy ultrasound on Wednesday!
Until next time!
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