This past Sunday, Superbowl Sunday to be exact, the Mr. and I went for a hike. We may have gotten lost at one point and definitely heard some snorting. Although we did not confirm, I'm pretty sure we were hiking amongst a Javelina (or two). I wish we would have hiked further to find the stinky pig, but at the same time, I was mildly afraid of what it could do to us. The Mr. grabbed a stick (to fend off the monster in case we encountered it) and we tried for a very short period of time to locate it, with no luck. We continued on our journey and finally found our way up the mountain. It was gorgeous and serene. Just what I needed amid my emotional breakdowns of late. We shall continue to explore our Desert, which I'm sure will bring many more blog posts in the future!
All photos were taken with Panasonic Lumix LX7 found here
Until next time!