How far along? 40 weeks!
Total weight gain: I still haven't gained any more weight! 30 lbs and holding strong!
Maternity clothes: Dresses or my maternity yoga clothes. As soon as I get home, I change immediately into my nightgown, which is one of the only things I am comfortable in anymore.
Stretch marks: I'm still using the Nivea Q10 Plus Skin Firming Lotion on my legs and arms. I'm still alternating between my It Works Stretch Mark Cream and my Honest Co. Organic Belly Balm on my belly, boobs, and bum {the 3 B's}.
Workouts: Prenatal Yoga is about all I can handle now and I've been going more frequently these last couple weeks!
Sleep: I think I'm starting to get subconsciously paranoid about my water breaking or having horrendous contractions. I keep waking up thinking "is this it?" and then can't fall back asleep. I NEED MORE SLEEP. No doubt about that. I am still using my Boppy Pregnancy Wedge which is definitely saving my back and keeping my spine aligned.
Best moment this week: My mom arriving on Saturday! I'm so glad she is here and feel like I'm finally ready for things to get moving!
Miss anything? Sleep.
Movement: She is still pretty active, which is a very good thing. I get nervous when she is "Sleeping" and not moving very much.
Food cravings: I'm back to craving chocolate almond milk. It is just so delicious. I also have been a big fan of Watermelon and Tabouleh {my mom makes it so well and she whipped me up a batch today}.
Anything making you queasy or sick? I have been feeling nauseous here and there, but nothing I can't handle.
Gender: Girl!
Labor signs: Same old, same old here. I'm having inconsistent Braxton Hicks, but nothing is sticking around or hurting. Last week, the nurse said I should go to the hospital when I can't "walk, talk, or text" through my contractions. I'm not having those quite yet.
Belly button in or out? It is STILL an inny. I just knew it would never pop out. I have such a deep inny, it's like the Grand Canyon.
Wedding rings on or off? Still only wearing my wedding band.
Happy or moody most of the time: My mood has been mostly irritable these last couple days. I hope that changes because I really don't like being so crabby!
Baby Arrival Guesstimate: At this point, if I can make it through tomorrow {which is the Talent Show at school that I'm in charge of}, I will consider myself good to go! Anytime after that will be just fine!
Looking forward to: Same as last week, the end of school and being able to meet this baby girl!
Total weight gain: I still haven't gained any more weight! 30 lbs and holding strong!
Maternity clothes: Dresses or my maternity yoga clothes. As soon as I get home, I change immediately into my nightgown, which is one of the only things I am comfortable in anymore.
Stretch marks: I'm still using the Nivea Q10 Plus Skin Firming Lotion on my legs and arms. I'm still alternating between my It Works Stretch Mark Cream and my Honest Co. Organic Belly Balm on my belly, boobs, and bum {the 3 B's}.
Workouts: Prenatal Yoga is about all I can handle now and I've been going more frequently these last couple weeks!
Sleep: I think I'm starting to get subconsciously paranoid about my water breaking or having horrendous contractions. I keep waking up thinking "is this it?" and then can't fall back asleep. I NEED MORE SLEEP. No doubt about that. I am still using my Boppy Pregnancy Wedge which is definitely saving my back and keeping my spine aligned.
Best moment this week: My mom arriving on Saturday! I'm so glad she is here and feel like I'm finally ready for things to get moving!
Miss anything? Sleep.
Movement: She is still pretty active, which is a very good thing. I get nervous when she is "Sleeping" and not moving very much.
Food cravings: I'm back to craving chocolate almond milk. It is just so delicious. I also have been a big fan of Watermelon and Tabouleh {my mom makes it so well and she whipped me up a batch today}.
Anything making you queasy or sick? I have been feeling nauseous here and there, but nothing I can't handle.
Gender: Girl!
Labor signs: Same old, same old here. I'm having inconsistent Braxton Hicks, but nothing is sticking around or hurting. Last week, the nurse said I should go to the hospital when I can't "walk, talk, or text" through my contractions. I'm not having those quite yet.
Belly button in or out? It is STILL an inny. I just knew it would never pop out. I have such a deep inny, it's like the Grand Canyon.
Wedding rings on or off? Still only wearing my wedding band.
Happy or moody most of the time: My mood has been mostly irritable these last couple days. I hope that changes because I really don't like being so crabby!
Baby Arrival Guesstimate: At this point, if I can make it through tomorrow {which is the Talent Show at school that I'm in charge of}, I will consider myself good to go! Anytime after that will be just fine!
Looking forward to: Same as last week, the end of school and being able to meet this baby girl!
Until next time!