We got home and I made a big feast of green chile enchiladas. I must have been crazy. We ate and then we slept {but not for long}. I got up around 11:00 and went to the bathroom and WOOOSH. There it went. My water broke. What an experience that was. It certainly doesn't happen like it does in the movies. I woke up the Mr. and off to the hospital we went. It took us about 20 minutes to get there and I was having contractions {that still didn't really hurt} that were 5 minutes apart.
We checked in and they told us to go to triage so they could monitor me. We got up to the labor and delivery floor and the nurse immediately took us to our room because it was obvious my water had broken. Throughout the night, I continued to have mild contractions and was able to get some rest. I woke up around 4:30-5:00 and they had started to get more intense. I wanted to do this all natural so I labored through the contractions while walking around the room. I was able to walk freely and not be connected to the monitors constantly. I was not progressing very quickly. They checked and I had only dilated 3 centimeters. For real.
At that point, I was able to get into the labor tub and it was sweet, instant relief. I didn't stay in there long {but looking back I have no idea why}. The contractions continued to get worse and worse. They started coupling, one happening right after the other. I was not getting any breaks. Lennon was posterior, which was the reason for my horrendous back labor and the consistent contractions. My doctor made me do this crazy, painful maneuver to try to get Lennon to flip over. To no avail. At one point throughout the day, the nurse suggested I get some Stadol for the pain {because I didn't want an epidural} and that was the trippiest ride I have ever been on. It seriously felt like I was flying through space like Peter Pan. So weird.
I labored in so many different positions, with absolutely no relief in any of them. My mom was pushing on my tailbone and the Mr. was squeezing my hips. Even that didn't provide relief. I started to black out from the pain and knew that I had to give up on my natural birth. I felt so defeated. I even apologized to my doctor because he was so encouraging throughout everything. He kept telling me I could do it, that I was strong, that I did Yoga and that helped me. But I couldn't. I let him down and myself.
Let me tell you though, that epidural. Was. Life. Saving. I honestly don't think I could have continued on or pushed without it. I was able to sleep and rest and I so needed that to be mentally and physically ready to go through the end of labor.
The rest of the night was breeze. I had an extremely pleasant experience. Around 7:30 p.m. {20 and a half hours of labor later} they checked and I was fully dilated. It was time. The nurses were amazing. We carried on good conversation in between pushes. I felt no pain. It was smooth. And at 9:21 p.m. we met our beautiful, precious Lennon Claire. Ten fingers, ten toes. 19 inches of squishy baby goodness. We immediately fell in love. I would endure all of that pain over and over again just to be able to have her in our arms. All was right in our world. She is PERFECT. Our little Rainbow.
Until next time!