Monday, March 28, 2016

Mommy Monday {32 Weeks}

8 months down, 2 to go! We're so close, it's kind of scary. We have so much to do on baby girl's nursery that I'm starting to get a little anxious about how fast time is going. I'm sure it will all get done, eventually! 

Apparently I'm loving stripes lately. Dress Here

How far along? 32 weeks!
Total weight gain: I am going to the doctor on Wednesday, so I will have an accurate update on this next week.. but I'm still at 21 lbs up from pre-pregnancy weight. 
Maternity clothes: My clothing staple currently is dresses, upon dresses, upon dresses. I'm living for comfort these days. 
Stretch marks: I'm still using my Honest Co. Organic Belly Balm. I also purchased some Nivea Q10 Plus Skin Firming Lotion because my legs are not as firm as they were pre-pregnancy {no matter how much walking or Yoga I do}. 
Workouts: I have continued to attend my Yoga and Prenatal Yoga class this week, along with taking Ziggy for walks. The weather has been a little bit more mild the last couple days, which have allowed for some nice long walks
Sleep: I was awake at 4:30am last night and just couldn't get back to sleep. I've still been using my Boppy Pregnancy Wedge and that seems the help. I also have been taking about one nap a day {at least on the weekends}. 
Best moment this week: Hmm, this week is pretty busy, so I really don't have anything to look forward to! I suppose we can say that going to Yoga and staying as active as possible is the best moment, though. 
Miss anything? Not having heartburn after every meal. I'm carrying around a large sized bottle of Tums where ever I go these days. 
Movement: OH boy, is she ever active. She's gotten into the habit of kicking {or punching} me on my right side and hitting every nerve possible. It's quite uncomfortable. I'm definitely not complaining though, I still love feeling her move around. 
Food cravings: Häagen-Dazs Coffee ice cream in a cone. To. Die. For. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? I've been getting nauseous again throughout the day.. hoping that's just temporary. 
Gender: Girl!
Labor signs: No and let's keep it that way!  
Belly button in or out? Still in!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time: I've been happy all this past week! 
Looking forward to: Working on the Nursery! 

Until next time! 

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