How far along? 37 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain/measurements: I'm up a total of 35ish lbs so far.
Maternity clothes: Dresses, Maternity Jeans, and Yoga pants are my jam right now. Summer is here and I am living in my jammies {just like I predicted last week}.
Stretch marks: I spied a little red mark near where my belly button piercing used to be and I'm still not sure if it's a stretch mark or not, but you better believe I'm taking extra precautions now! I'm still waiting for my It Works Stretch Mark Cream to arrive, but until then I'm still lathering my belly in Burt's Bee's Mama Bee and The Honest Co. Belly Balm. I'm currently using both of these to make sure my belly is nice and moisturized.
Sleep: Sleep? I haven't had any consistent good sleep in quite some time. My ribs hurt so badly from all the extra weight of my belly. I've been using my Boppy Wedge Pillow, but I'm pretty sure that makes it worse sometimes.
Exercise: My prenatal yoga session ended last week. We have a week off and then another session starts. Since I'm so close, I can just do a pop in class every week until baby comes. I think I can probably go to one more class. I honestly feel sooo much better after going.
Best moment this week: Getting to spend so much time with my little Lennon.
Miss anything? Exercising, uninterrupted sleep, ribs that don't hurt, and a back that doesn't ache.
Movement: She is still most active around 9-11pm, hence another reason I don't sleep well.
Food cravings: Back to Watermelon!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Bell Peppers and Celery! Still!
Gender: Girl #2!
Labor signs: I'm still having Braxton Hicks, more consistently now. They don't hurt though, so I'm sure I still have a bit of time, at least I'm hoping so.
Belly button in or out? In, but sneaking it's way out. It's out sometimes depending on where baby is located in my belly.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time: Some days are better than others. I've been super irritable lately.
Looking forward to: Continuing to spend one on one time with Lennon. She's just the best.
Until next time!
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