How far along? 39 weeks!
Total weight gain: Last week I was still 30lbs at the doctor!
Maternity clothes: Literally, the only thing comfortable is dresses. I've tried a couple times to squeeze myself into my maternity jeans and it's just not happening. I mean they fit, but I am UNCOMFORTABLE.
Stretch marks: I'm still using the Nivea Q10 Plus Skin Firming Lotion on my legs and arms. I received my It Works Stretch Mark Cream {yay!} so I'm alternating between that and my Honest Co. Organic Belly Balm on my belly, boobs, and bum {the 3 B's}.
Workouts: Prenatal Yoga is about all I can handle now. My right hip is preventing me from doing much walking these days.
Sleep: Sleeping is getting increasingly more difficult. I'm up about 50 times using the bathroom and then I've been pretty restless around 4am every morning {which is when I've been getting my amazon shopping done}. My Boppy Pregnancy Wedge is still saving my life, one night at a time.
Best moment this week: Floating in our pool. It is legitimately the best thing in the world right now. I could do it all day every day {if not for the extreme heat and risk of cancer}. I feel so weightless and all my pains just melt away. Unfortunately, I then have to get out and feel all the weight hanging in my belly and immediately my hip begins to hurt again. Bummer.
Miss anything? Not at the moment!
Movement: She is a little squirm worm! Constantly moving and kicking my sides.
Food cravings: I really haven't been having any crazy cravings recently. I actually feel like I'm eating more like I did pre-pregnancy. It's a little refreshing!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope!
Gender: Girl!
Labor signs: I'm still only have a Braxton Hicks contraction here and there, but nothing consistent. It seems they happen most when I'm moving around a lot and not drinking enough water. {Same story as last week}
Belly button in or out? This belly button has literally one week to pop out. It's not gonna happen. So if anyone had any bets, I'm sorry, but you're gonna lose!
Wedding rings on or off? Still only wearing my wedding band.
Happy or moody most of the time: I've been pretty happy!
Baby Arrival Guesstimate: Still hoping for May 28th or later. Last day of my contract at work is May 27.
Looking forward to: The end of school and being able to meet this baby girl!
Until next time!
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