Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Mommy Monday {26 weeks}

I'm pretty sure I should just re-name this post to "Mommy {who is always late with posts}". I have a good excuse this week! We had off for President's day so the Mr. and I took a road trip to the beach for a nice little weekend getaway!

How far along?
 26 weeks!
Total weight gain: Still at 15 lbs.. going to the doctor again tomorrow so I should have an updated weight gain next week!
Maternity clothes: I am still able to wear some non-maternity dresses from my closet. As long as they are stretchy, I'm good to go! The dress in the picture above is from Old Navy and is non-maternity. 
Stretch marks: Still loving my Honest Co. Organic Belly Balm!
Sleep: Ugh, sleep? What sleep? My left ribs hurt when I lay on my left side and my right hip hurts when I lay on my right. I can't catch a break right now. Going to the chiropractor tomorrow to find some relief. 
Best moment this week: Our beach getaway!
Miss anything? Sleep and not having pain in my ribs. 
Movement: I think we may have a future gymnast on our hands. I swear she tumbles around all day long. 
Food cravings: Bananas are my current obsession. I had the best açaí bowl on our vacation that was loaded with bananas. Delish!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Still nothing in this department!
Gender: Girl!
Labor signs: No and let's keep it that way! Having Braxton Hicks contractions here and there, but I've heard that's nothing to be too concerned about. 
Belly button in or out? In {although, it's sneaking it's way out}. 
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time: I've had a pretty steady mood, but today was a little rocky after work. I felt like I might lose it any minute. Somehow I maintained control. I think the lack of sleep and all the pain is getting to me. 
Looking forward to: The chiropractor and doctor tomorrow! 

Until next time! 

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