From the very beginning, I knew I was pregnant. I've heard that some women instinctively know when they are pregnant and that is exactly what happened with me. I just had a feeling. My feeling was confirmed on September 13. I immediately scheduled an appointment with my OB/GYN and began the waiting game.
I saw my doctor when I was 5 weeks and she ordered HCG hormone testing to make sure that the pregnancy was progressing normally. If you remember from the MP journey, I was having weekly blood tests done. This was one in the same. The result came back and they were at 13,998, which when I googled it, was quite high for the 5 weeks that I was. My anxiety went into overdrive. All the bad thoughts went through my mind. Could this be another MP? I just couldn't go there. I had my blood drawn 48 hours later and lo and behold, they were doubling just like they're supposed to {Praise Jesus}.
They scheduled an ultrasound for when I would be 6 weeks 1 day. Of course, I was a nervous wreck the entire day. Last time around, I didn't have one good ultrasound. I was very apprehensive of the whole process this time. We went back to the ultrasound room and my heart was pounding, my palms sweaty. I was an anxious mess. For no good reason, however, because we could immediately see the baby's heart flickering away. What a relief!
We have gone for 2 more ultrasounds since then and all has been great. We are so beyond thankful for our little Rainbow blessing.
Until next time!
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